Boiled Peanuts July 7, 2022We receive a lot of inquiries regarding boiled peanuts & whether they can be purchased & mailed out. Unfortunately, our boiled peanuts require refrigeration which mean we can't send them...
Specials! March 1, 2022We have added a new SPECIALS page where you can shop our fantastic, nutty specials with one click! Check it out HERE
Feb 2022 Update February 15, 2022Hello to all of our nutty customers! We survived the silly season & now we are full steam ahead at The Peanut Van! Make sure you like our Facebook Page...
Merry Christmas! December 20, 2021Our Factory & Mail Order Distribution team will be taking a holiday this year, with the factory closing at 1pm, Friday 24th December. Any mail orders placed after 2pm, Wednesday 22nd December will...
New to our Online Store December 1, 2021You asked, we listened... Peanut Oil is now available to purchase online - click here to shop! Please note - The Peanut Van takes all precautions possible, however there is...
Product Updates November 15, 2021A quick update to let you all know that unfortunately, we are having trouble sourcing our regular Tangy Lime seasoning from our supplier. As a result, this product will soon...